Performance as healing...

It has taken me a long time to be brave enough to understand what this film is really about. Until this year I was too scared, confused and traumatized to include my process of healing from long covid in the film. The disease gave me extremely pronounced and difficult neurological and cognitive symptoms. It has been a long road of recovery.

Performance is a part of my healing process.

In Fall 2021 I was invited to perform at the What Design Can Do festival in Mexico City. I presented an excerpt of what was to become The Edge of Nature - about 20 minutes of this story where I performed the music on my banjo and narrated live. The responses were incredibly positive and I was asked to perform this same short piece in Amsterdam in June 2022 where I further refined the method of performing music and narrating as the film was playing behind me.

Right now, we are asking for your help because the film was accepted to premiere on the opening night of the Byron Bay Film Festival, so need to raise funds to finish the film, and get there FAST – can you donate today?

We've raised 25% of our goal to finish and premiere THE EDGE OF NATURE from 51 incredible people. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Can you help us hit $5,000 before the weekend? Please donate today!

With your donation, you will be the first to get the opportunity to view the film & a special thank you in the credits! And I have a special sneak peek of the performance to share with you if you donate today!

And of course, we totally understand if you can't donate, it is JUST as important and helpful if you watch and share the trailer: IG or Youtube or X (Twitter)

Thank you so, so much for your love and support…

Love + healing,

Josh Fox & the International WOW Team

Twitter - @JoshFoxFilm

Instagram - @JoshFoxFilm

Press: Byron Bay International Film FestivalFilm Ink


Watch & share the trailer:  IG or Youtube or X (Twitter)

* All donations are tax-deductible through our 501(c)3, International WOW Company, a nonprofit organization based in Brooklyn, NY.