Who does Desantis really hate?

Who does Ron Desantis hate more than anyone?

I've been documenting the whistleblower Rebekah Jones for three years as she spoke out against Ron Desantis, governor of Florida and Republican Presidential candidate. She's one of the bravest, most interesting people I know and her story deserves to be told.

She spoke out against faking covid data in order to "reopen" and send people who couldn't afford to stay home out into the disease - a policy that ended up killing tens of thousands of people in Florida.

She spoke out when no one else would. She is a flawed person, a fascinating person, a person that Daniel Ellsberg said displayed "moral courage." Do you want to know more?

I'm making this film, and I have been turned down on over 60 pitches to the mainstream media, with so many saying that the story is "too political." But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

We need your help to finish. We are asking you to help us raise $60k on Kickstarter. Today is my birthday, and all I really want to do is work really hard to finish this film – can you kick in even just $5 – to help us finish this film!


* All donations (beyond the value of any reward received) are tax deductible through our 501(c)3, Sweet Jane Productions Inc. a non profit organization based in Brooklyn, NY.