What is the Promise of Justice?

Sara Gozalo is a long-time collaborator, and incredible activist and human.  She is a Storyteller at Promise of Justice Initiative with ith a PhD in immunology from UMass, Sara co-founded Students for Peace and Justice.  In 2016, Sara was the Supervising Coordinator of the New Sanctuary Coalition of New York City until she moved to New Orleans. Sara is originally from Madrid, Spain. She is a queer immigrant who believes in a world without borders and without jails, where everyone has the right to live in dignity.

The Promise of Justice Initiative works to create positive change for people in the criminal legal system at the intersection of impact litigation, direct services and community engagement. Our tools include criminal and civil litigation, organizing, direct support, and policy advocacy.

PJI  focuses on several key areas: Ending the death penalty, challenging inhumane conditions of confinement, exposing prosecutorial and judicial misconduct, providing probono representation for criminal defendants, and fighting racism in the criminal legal system.

Settle in for an amazing interview.

In other news:

Amali Tower, leader of Climate Refugees and collaborator on our upcoming film THE WELCOME TABLE was interviewed in Guernica Magazine, "What Climate Justice Takes."

We've launched a website for The Welcome Table Film, my next documentary film about climate displacement and justice. We need everyone on board - Check out the site and get involved. More on this coming soon...

love + solidarity,

Josh Fox

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