Episode 2: Clip Clop Clip Clop -The Truth Has Changed

THE TRUTH HAS CHANGED was originally commissioned by HBO, rejected by all major networks for being “too politically charged”, performed in over 50 cities worldwide, shadowbanned by social media, & now available uncensored and unabridged for the first time ever.

EPISODE 2: Clip Clop Clip Clop

Episodes 1 & 2 are free, then everything will be for PAID subscribers only. Make sure to register for a paid subscription today.

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There are so many worthy causes. Aside from our hope that you love the media that we create and that you are thrilled and entertained by our feature films, mini-docs, interviews, and feature films - we do need to stress that the media we create has created real, political change. We were instrumental in bringing over $1M in solar to relief victims after Hurricane Ida (video soon), we’ve helped create bans on fracking all over the world, have pushed fossil fuel divestment, and our films have inspired an entire generation of climate activists. So not only do you get tons of exciting, inspiring things to watch with your subscription - we are creating media for mass movements. Without your support we cannot continue the world-changing initiatives that we have always done.

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Love & truth,

Josh Fox