Petroperú spilled oil TWICE in the Amazon this month alone

In 2015, I traveled to Peru to film an oil spill in the Amazon there - seven years later, the spills continue and the same company is to blame - Petroperú. Today, we are sharing bonus footage from How To Let Go Of The World And Love All The Things Climate Can't Change (full feature available here for free), from the segment in the Peruvian Amazon.

Amazon Watch, the Achuar People of the Pastaza River and the Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation are working together to stop the flow of International funds, from financial institutions like Citibank, Vanguard,  that allow Petroperú to keep operating. Read their risk assessment here and please, please take action.

The endless, senseless drilling and fracking for oil is killing us. As another important action, we must continue pushing the world towards ending our dependence on fossil fuels and funding a just transition to renewable energy. Please sign on to the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a global initiative organizing individuals, cities, countries, and businesses to fossil fuel non-proliferation, global disarmament, and a peaceful, just transition.

We need to keep fighting. I am currently in Kenya filming the effects of climate change. We are constantly connecting with people on the frontlines and bringing these stories and the right actions to the forefront.

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Thank you for being here.

love + revolution,

Josh Fox